
Adam Burak

Assistant Research Scientist
Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
[email protected]
(734) 764-4260


University of Utah
PhD ’19, Metallurgical Engineering
BS ’12, Metallurgical Engineering

Research Interests:

Dr. Adam Burak’s main research interests are electrochemistry, molten salt chemistry, high-temperature advanced reactor systems, spent nuclear fuel reprocessing, and reactor thermal hydraulics. Dr. Burak earned his PhD in Metallurgical Engineering at the University of Utah studying uranium oxide reduction in molten lithium chloride-lithium oxide salt. Specifically, he studied the entrainment of lithium oxide in the reduced uranium product as a function of process parameters, and chloride salt chemistry.

Since completing his PhD, Dr. Burak has been working with Dr. Xiaodong Sun’s group in the Thermal Hydraulics Laboratory at the University of Michigan on research related to advanced nuclear reactors, including molten salt reactors and high-temperature gas-cooled reactors. He has developed several experimental systems for investigating molten salt and high-temperature gas-cooled reactor technologies, advanced instrumentation for molten salts, and has over a decade of experience troubleshooting complex electronics/mechanical systems. Dr. Burak’s greatest strength lies in bringing advanced technologies from concept to reality by designing, constructing, testing, and optimizing experimental systems.

Professional Experience:

04/20–Present Assistant Research Scientist, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, University of Michigan
04/19–04/20    Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, University of Michigan
05/13–08/14    Software Engineer, Utah Yamas Controls
05/11–08/11    Intern, Technology and Innovation, Rio Tinto
12/04–12/08    Amphibious Assault Vehicle Mechanic, United States Marine Corps

Sheng Zhang

Sheng Zhang

Research Investigator
Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
[email protected]
(734) 764-4260


University of Michigan
PhD ’21, Nuclear Engineering

Shanghai Jiao Tong University
MS ’14

North China Electric Power University
BS ’11

Research Interests:

Nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics and reactor safety, thermal hydraulics in advanced non-LWRs, and experimentation, modeling and simulation of non-LWRs.

Professional Experience:

01/22–Present Research Investigator, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, University of Michigan
01/21–01/22    Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, University of Michigan

Kyung Mo Kim

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
[email protected]
(734) 764-4260


Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
PhD ’17, Nuclear Science and Engineering
BS ’13, Nuclear Science and Engineering

Research Interests:

After joining Dr. Xiadong Sun’s group at the University of Michigan, he is studying the heat transfer and two-phase flow dynamics of post-CHF regimes, represented by inverted annular film boiling, inverted slug film boiling, and dispersed flow film boiling, with the X-ray radiography/gamma densitometer integrated PCHT facility to reduce the uncertainty of safety analysis on LWRs.

Dr. Kyung Mo Kim earned his PhD in Nuclear Engineering at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) investigating heat pipe-based passive safety system for LWRs. His main research area includes experimental measurement and modelling of two-phase flow phenomena, deterministic safety assessment using system analysis code, and design of passive safety system.

Professional Experience:

01/22–Present Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, University of Michigan
02/21–01/22    Visiting Scholar, Virginia Tech
06/19–01/21    Research Assistant Professor, Nuclear Engineering, UNIST
09/17–05/19    Postdoctoral Associate, Nuclear Engineering, UNIST

Hae Kyun Park

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
[email protected]
(734) 373-8533


Kyung Hee University
PhD ’22, Nuclear Engineering
MS ’16, Nuclear Engineering
BS ’14, Nuclear Engineering

Research Interests:

Dr. Haekyun Park received his PhD in Nuclear Engineering at Kyung Hee University investigating an analogous relationship between heat and mass transfers. His research achievements include modelling the critical current density (CCD) phenomena in various hydrodynamic conditions, analogous to the critical heat flux (CHF) in the boiling system. The analogy experimental method was utilized to simulate thermal-hydraulics phenomena in a severe accident condition of RPV.

Since joining Dr. Xiadong Sun’s group at the University of Michigan, Dr. Park has been investigating optimization of printed circuit heat exchanger (PCSG) designs, which is promising steam generator technology for advanced reactors such as HTGRs.

Professional Experience:

12/22–Present Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, University of Michigan
03/22–11/22 Postdoctoral Associate, Nuclear Engineering, Kyung Hee University